Ulinzi Walk

Ulinzi is a Swahili word meaning Protect or Guard. Ulinzi Walk is a mojor fundraising public platform aimed at raising breast cancer awareness and draw attention to this disease.

During this event, we celebrate life, survivors; encourage those in active treatment and remember and honor those who lost their life to breast cancer. The event activities include a 5K walk, community open forum with a panel of advocates, servivors, doctors, nurses, policy makers and students. The public have opportunity to ask questions. Free Clinical Breast Exam, dental, vision and vital signs tests are provided.

First Ulinzi Walk 2011, had 300 participanta and by 2019 the crowd has grown to over 1000 Participants.


Join Us in the Fight Against Breast Cancer

Thank you for your interest in BCIEA, the Champion Breast Cancer Awareness Organization in Rwanda and the USA.

We are dedicated to raising awareness, providing holistic support, and advocating for improved care in the fight against breast cancer. If you have any questions, would like to collaborate, or need assistance, please fill out the form below, and our passionate team will be in touch with you soon. Together, we can create a future where breast cancer is better understood, prevented, and effectively treated.